REALonline Nr. 000734
Hl. Augustinus, Altar mit Abt Benedikt Eck von Mondsee als Stifter
Meister des Mondseer Altars, Ende 15. Jh.
Galerie Belvedere
Foto: P. Böttcher/IMAREAL
From an interdisciplinary perspective, the series of lectures gives a historical overview to the thematic complexes of university and anniversary. Not only the University of Salzburg and its historical development will be taken into account, but also the wide range of aspects that are connected with the inception, the self-image and the external perception of universities in medieval and modern Europe to this day. These include, for example, their position in the context of medieval and early modern educational policy, the changing forms of organizing lessons and teaching canon as well as questions of representation and staging or the relationship between university and politics and its effects on the perception of educational institutions. Particular attention should be paid to the material dimensions of education, knowledge and knowledge transfer. The main goal of this course is to understand the university as a social as well as a real building in all its differentiated facets. The anniversary also offers the opportunity to discuss the topic of “anniversary celebrations”. This takes the content-related focus of the IZMF with regard to the interdisciplinary research of historical cultures into account.
The lecture will take place every Monday from 5:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. from Oct. 03, 2022 in HS Agnes Muthspiel (E.002 U1.002). The lecture will also be available online. You may also rewatch certain episodes via UniTV.
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03.10. Introduction: University in context: 400 years PLUS and the knowledge cultures of the Middle Ages and the early modern period Michael Brauer (FB Geschichte), Elisabeth Gruber (IZMF/IMAREAL)
10.10. History of the PLUS and the archive as a place of remembrance Christoph Brandhuber (PLUS, Universitätsarchiv)
17.10. Between tradition and innovation: The university as an institution from the perspective of medieval subjects Christina Antenhofer (FB Geschichte)
24.10. From goose quill to black art: manuscripts and incunabula from the library of the Salzburg archbishops Beatrix Koll (Universitätsbibliothek)
07.11. Prestige buildings and permanent temporary arrangements: On the materiality of university teaching and living spaces Thomas Kühtreiber (IZMF/IMAREAL)
14.11. Innovation sluices: Universities in pre-modern societies Frank Rexroth (Universität Göttingen)
21.11. Notes on University History Maria Dorninger (FB Germanistik)
28.11. Between polemics and politics – how the University of Vienna dealt with Judaism in the Middle Ages Eveline Brugger (INJÖST, St. Pölten)
05.12. Education and mobility in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period Ingrid Matschinegg (IZMF/IMAREAL)
12.12. University amd region Martin Knoll (FB Geschichte)
19.12. Video presentation: 400 years PLUS: Students tell the history of their university Ewald Hiebl, Karl Rothauer (FB Geschichte)
09. 01. 400 years of university history from the perspective of economic and social history Reinhold Reith (Salzburg)
16.01. Academic honors and discredits between affirmation and historical-political controversies Alexander Pinwinkler (Universität Wien)
23.01. Creation of meaning through rituals. On the boom in academic celebrations Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber (Universität Wien)
Concept and organization: Michael Brauer | Elisabeth Gruber
The lecture program will soon be found here.