At the end of October three DH projects of the IZMF/IMAREAL were approved:

Digital Hohensalzburg. Linked historical data on material room furnishings and use of space: The aim of the project is the digital processing of the fortress Hohensalzburg and the accessibility to both academia and public. This will come to pass with use of new, interactive media.

The Wenzelsbibel: Digital edition and analysis: This project aims to generate the first digital edition and analysis of the Wenzelsbibel, which is the only largely complete and German speaking translation of the Hebrew Bible from the Latin Vulgata that was handed down.

How material came into the picture. Interdisciplinary research on cultural innovations using: Using AI this project aims to study paintings from the 14th and 15th centuries, in which particular interest is placed on materials and fabrics.

Please click here for more information: or Digitalisierung in der Wissenschaft