The IZMF junior network has been implemented to stimulate the scientific exchange of different disciplines dealing with the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Usually, we only come together once a year for the junior network workshop where we exchange ideas and get to know each other. However, since a single meeting once a year does not contribute much to ‘networking’, the ‘Medieval Studies Wednesday’ is now to be launched. We invite all students in the bachelor, master and doctoral programmes as well as post-docs of the University of Salzburg who are interested in the Middle Ages and the early modern period to participate in it. The ‘Medieval Studies Wednesday’ takes place on the last Wednesday of each month. We would like to give students and doctoral students the opportunity to exchange ideas, talk about their current work plans, or simply spend time with like-minded people.

The first meeting will take place on 27 October 2021 at 18:00 at the restaurant Zirkelwirt. Please register with by October 19th, in order to guarantee a place for you!

See you then!