Last year the 10th Volume of the series Interdisciplinary Contributions to the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times entitled Poetry of Conflict. Establishment and polemics published in the literatures of the Middle Ages was released:
The history of medieval literature is not only a story of continuity and a sense of tradition, but also one of the many innovations: the emergence of new poetic spelling languages and spellings, thus a new and newly reflected literaryity as a whole. The establishment of the new always has an agonal to polemical dimension, which must be examined in its aesthetic, cultural-historical and cultural-theoretical significance.
The volume makes a change of perspective compared to conventional representations by asking not from a pattern, schema and tradition-related nature, but from agonal relations and from aesthetic-cultural friction moments, for the ‘generative’ forces that make up the specific profile of the literary field in the Middle Ages. The subject is Romanesque, Middle High German, Middle English and Latin texts and text ualising traditions from the late 12th to the 14th century.
Anna Kathrin Bleuler und Manfred Kern (Hg.): Poesie des Widerstreits. Etablierung und Polemik in den Literaturen des Mittelalters. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter 2020 (Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit 10).