
PhD students

Phd candidates Title Department
Linda Beutel-Thurow Naming poetics of Middle High German epic. An analysis of the use of names, antonomasias and epithets in selected texts of the german-speaking Middle Ages. German Studies
Walter Brandstätter Item ainen hochen cassten mit vier thüren… Inventories as sources for the reconstruction of early modern living, working and living conditions using the example of Hohensalzburg Fortress History
Peter Bruckner De ridiculis et stultissimis fabulis Iudeorum. Lateinische Talmudpolemiken bei Petrus Classical Philology / Latin
Flurina Camenisch Loans, Correspondence, Conflicts: Cross-Border aristocratic relations and transregional entanglements in Late Medieval “Graubünden” History
Peter Färberböck Witchcraft and Magic in Digital Games History
Simon Kuhn The monastic long-distance possessions of Spital am Pyhrn in Wachau History
Florian Mayr The daily prayers of Advent in the Missale Romanum 1970 Religious Studies
Mina Miyamoto Precious textiles as curtains in medieval manuscripts Arthistory
Marius Müller Maritime networks: The French East India Company between trade contacts, knowledge generation and intercultural diplomacy (1664-1788) History
Anna Petutschnig Ideas of fatherhood in the late medieval aristocracy Medieval History
Melanie Salvenmoser The depiction of sieges in Ottokar von der Gaal’s “Styrian rhyming chronicle”. German Studies
Benjamin Maria Stockmaier Basileis: Kingmakers and kings. Investigations into kingship in Hellenism Classical Studies
Anton Strobl Edition project on the famous works of Emperor Maximilian I (Latin autobiographical fragments and derivatives) History
Elisabeth Tangerner Sensory community. The Benedictine Abbey of Lambach in the Middle Ages from the perspective of sensory history. History
Angelika Umfahrer-Schatzmann The goldsmith and his craft as reflected in German-language literature of the Middle Ages. German Studies
Katrin Unterberger ‘Diz was dem zwîvelaere ein nâhe gêndiu swaere.’ The tolerance of ambiguity in medieval texts. German Studies

Finished dissertations Title Department
Barbara Denicolò “Von Speis zu kochen”. Cookbooks and recipe collections as sources for the cultural history of the late Middle Ages and the early modern period. Analysis – comparison. History
Nora Grundtner Animal Skins – Human Carriers. Human-animal-analogies about material culture in Middle High German literature. German Studies
Livia Heilingbrunner Heterodoxical impulses and methods from the disciplines of Archaeometry and Legal History for the historical sciences. Shown on the multidisciplinary case study of the Templars (Arnau de Torroja) History
David Hobelleitner „indubitanter efficitur sanctus.“ Holy popes in Roman pictorial programs of the eleventh and twelfth centuries Arthistory
Ruth Isser Eleanor of Scotland between agency and knowledge. A princess in the mirror of her time. History
Klara Lindnerova Jan van Eyck and antiquity Arthistory
Tobias Pamer Interwoven ties, aristocratic rule and princely power. The networks of Knighthood between region and empire using the example of the Starkenberg family.
13th-15th century
Julia Schön Holiness administered. How the monastery of Klosterneuburg and the Habsburgs dealt with the canonization of the Babenberg Leopold III. IMAREAL/ History
Manuel Schwembacher Horti praeclari. Reflections and evocations of Eden in selected literary garden spaces of the Middle Ages. German Studies
Martin Seidler Roman liturgies in Armenian religious orders. On the eucharistic celebration of the Bartholomites and Fratres Unitores: Presentation of the oldest sources and liturgical historical classification Liturgics