- Beutel-Thurow, Linda MA (Department of German studies)
- Färberböck, Peter Bakk. techn. MA (IMAREAL/Department of History)
Heads of the IZMF Junior Network
- Ammerer Gerhard em. Ao. Univ.-Prof. DDr. (Department of History)
- Boettcher Peter (IMAREAL/IZMF)
- Brauer Michael Univ.-Ass. Dr. (Dept. of History)
- Brugger Eveline PD Dr. MAS (Institute for Jewish History of Austria)
- Cemper-Kiesslich Jan Priv.-Doz. Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. (IFFB Forensic Medicine)
- Darge Rolf Univ.-Prof. Dr. (Dept. of Philosophy at the Catholic Theological Faculty)
- Däumer Matthias Dr. (IMAREAL/IZMF)
- Denicolò Barbara Dr. (Dept. of History)
- De Troyer Kristin Univ.-Prof. Dr. (Dept. of Bible Sciences and Church History)
- Dorfbauer Lukuas Mag. Dr. (Dept. of Antiquity Sciences, CSEL)
- Döring Karoline Dominika Mag. Dr. (IZMF)
- Dorninger Maria V.-Ass. Dr. (Dept. of German studies)
- Dum-Tragut Jasmine Univ.-Doz. Dr. Dr. h.c. (Dept. of Linguistics)
- Färberböck Peter Bakk. techn. MA (IMAREAL/Dept. of History)
- Feichtenschlager Martina Univ. Ass. Dr. (Dept. of German Studies)
- Frass Monika Univ.-Prof. Dr. (Dept. of Studies in Antiquity)
- Gruber Stefanie (IMAREAL/IZMF)
- Grundtner Nora Mag. phil Mag. art. (Dept. of German studies)
- Hannesschläger Ingonda Ass.-Prof. Like. Dr. (FB Art History)
- Heilingbrunner Livia MA (historioPLUS/Dept. of History)
- Heinz Matthias Univ.-Prof. Dr. (Dept. of Romance studies)
- Hobelleitner David Franz BA. Ma. (Dept. of Music, Art and Dance Studies)
- Isser Ruth MA. (Dept. of History)
- Kneidinger Jasmin MA. (IMAREAL/IZMF)
- Knoll Martin Univ.-Prof. Dr. (Dept. of History)
- Kölbl Angelika Mag. Dr. (IMAREAL/IZMF)
- Kreuz Gottfried E. Ass.-Prof. Like. Dr. (Dept. of Studies in Antiquity)
- Kühtreiber Thomas Mag. Dr. (IMAREAL(Dept. of Studies in Antiquitiy)
- Laferl Christopher F. Univ.-Prof. Dr (Dept. of Romance Studies)
- Landkammer Miriam Mag. (IMAREAL/Dept. of Music, Art and Dance Studies)
- Matschinegg Ingrid Mag. Dr. (IMAREAL / Dept. of History)
- Mendoza Imke Univ.-Prof. Dr. (Dept. of Linguistics)
- Nicka Isabella Mag. Dr. (IMAREAL/Dept. of Music, Art and Dance Studies)
- Oetzel Lena Mag. Dr. (Dept. of History)
- Plietzsch Susanne Univ.-Prof. Dr. (Centre for Jewish Cultural History)
- Poole Ralph Univ.-Prof. Dr. MA (Dept. of English)
- Prochno-Schinkel Renate Univ.-Prof. Dr. (Dept. of Music, Art and Dance Studies)
- Sammern Romana Dr. (Dept. of Music, Art and Dance Studies))
- Sander Hans-Joachim Univ.-Prof. Ddr. (Dept. of Systematic Theology at kTH)
- Schäler Martin Assoz. Prof. Dr. Ing. (Dept. of Computer Science)
- Schlie Heike Dr. MA (IMAREAL/Dept. of Music, Art and Dance Studies)
- Schmidt Siegrid V.-Ass. Dr. (Dept. of German studies)
- Strohmeyer Arno Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. (Dept. of History)
- Weber Dorothea Univ.-Prof. Dr. (Dept. of Studies in Antiquity)
- Weidmann Clemens Dr. (Dept. of Studies in Antiquity)
- Wiedl Birgit PD Dr. MAS (Institute for Jewish History of Austria)
- Zeppezauer-Wachauer Katharina Mag. MA (MHDBDB)
- Zimmerl-Panagl Victoria Dr. (Dept. of Antiquities, CSEL)
- Zudrell Lena Dr. (Dept. of German studies)
Im Gedenken an unsere verstorbenen Mitwirkenden
Em. O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz DOPSCH, Department of History († July 31, 2014)
Em. O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich MÜLLER, Department of German studies († 14 October 2012)