In order to make the DH activities of the IZMF more visible, the science blog dhsalzburg was founded in the largest German-language blog community de.hypotheses.

The blog will:

  • Accompany events of the departments and cooperating institutions.
  • Document conferences and workshops.
  • Provide information on lectures.
  • Announce publications and new releases.
  • Accompany courses.
  • Compile course offerings.
  • Present projects and offers.
  • Communicate news from the projects.
  • Show application examples …

… and much more.

The blog aims to be a central source of information and documentation for researchers, teachers and students about current and future DH activities at the PLUS. It is also an invitation to them to actively engage in more DH in their own research, teaching and study environment.

In the winter semester 2023/24, the blog has accompanied the lecture series “Dazzling Data. Digital Humanities in Medieval and Early Modern Studies”. In the summer semester 2024, students of the proseminar “Mittelalter Digital” (Alan van Beek) will have the opportunity to write and publish their own blog posts.